An aircraft takes off during sunrise

2024 collaboration opportunities now open

Create with us and move from technology to market, faster. Applications close May 20, 2024

  • Aerospace expertise
  • World-class facilities
  • Customer insights
  • Non-dilutive funding
  • Holistic relationships
Apply now

Current collaboration opportunities

The James M. Nissen Terminal Complex at the San Jose International Airport

Dynamic Travel Time

How would you collaborate with Collins to leverage predictive analytics in creating an end-to-end, multimodal travel time estimate?
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A view of Earth from above the clouds

Real-Time Weather Data Fusion

How would you collaborate with Collins to support operational decision-making insights from multiple, real-time weather and non-weather data sources?
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A skyline

Digital Product Passport

How would you collaborate with Collins to enable more seamless collection and sharing of key product information as part of the growing Digital Product Passport ecosystem?
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A tablet idsplay

Metasurface Displays

How would you collaborate with Collins to deploy high resolution, low power, engaging displays for infotainment and passenger systems within an aircraft cabin?
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Powered by Collins at a glance

The Powered by Collins initiative is a unique opportunity to directly collaborate with Collins Aerospace, accelerating your capabilities and products and moving from technology to market faster.

  • The power of Collins
  • Requirements

Strategic vision: Join a visionary journey with Collins Aerospace, defining the future of aerospace through strategic initiatives.

Rapid innovation: We're not just talking; we're investing significantly to demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities and accelerate collaboration through initiatives like the Powered by Collins Initiative.

Speed of innovation: Break free from traditional business plans and pitch competitions. The Powered by Collins Initiative is your express lane to identify and implement advanced technologies and solutions aligned with Collins’ products and customers.

Collaboration opportunities: Instant fit assessments tailored to your capabilities, a straightforward application process, and potential for rapid progression into funded proof of concept demonstrations.

The power of Collins Requirements

Our process

Program schedule

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March 8-11

Launch of Powered by Collins 2024
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May 20

Application period closes
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June (TBD)

Collaboration Day (invite only)
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Proof-of-concept awardees selected; demonstration scope finalized
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Proof-of-concept demonstrations


Group photo

Get started!

Apply now

Collins Aerospace Applied Research & Technology

The Applied Research & Technology team is a global technology and open innovation resource within Collins Aerospace working on mission-critical projects that push the boundaries of what technology can do. We work on the cutting edge, redefining our industry with innovative partners, government and academia to research and advance transformative technologies that can create a safer, more connected and sustainable world.

With teams located in the U.S., Europe and Asia, we leverage combined engineering expertise across Collins Aerospace and RTX to create differentiated systems-level solutions across a range of disciplines. Working together, we bring breakthrough technologies to market that redefine how the world experiences the present and envisions the future.

Still have questions?

Connect with a member of the Powered by Collins team.