Employees using STARS terminal, reaching for screen

Cutting down on close calls in air traffic control

Collins Aerospace tech gives controllers and pilots ample warning to avoid runway incursions.

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A business jet flying above clouds

How data makes business aviation more sustainable

Business aviation operators are pursuing ways to fly more sustainably.

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A woman views a virtual screen floating in front of her. The text 'Power to analyze' is overlaid.

How data unlocks huge benefits in the aviation industry

Technologies like machine learning and predictive analytics play a crucial role and enable experts to collect, monitor, and analyze vast amounts of aviation data worldwide.

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Air traffic control

Collins Aerospace enables the power to predict

Improving the aviation industry and passenger experience with data.

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An airplane flying across cloudy blue sky

Data: The answer to air travel’s biggest problems

‘Connected aviation’ helps with weather delays, maintenance, fuel burn – even long lines at the airport
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Illustration of an aircraft flying around a globe

The Connected Aviation Ecosystem

Commercial aviation experts share a vision of a more seamless, efficient and sustainable future.
Learn more in The Connected Aviation Ecosystem ebook
An airplane flies over an traffic control tower

Making the right connections

Improving the passenger experience, sustainability, operational efficiency and more.
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Boeing 777x in flight

Helping airlines stay on schedule this holiday season

Collins Aerospace helps airlines stay on schedule by providing the power to comprehensively predict, analyze and optimize.
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